Sunday, January 27, 2008

Big Talker

Samuel says a few words these days: hot, mommy, daddy, lola, and more. But he really thinks he can talk. He chatters with gusto, but only he really knows what he is saying. In these pictures, he is pushing buttons on the phone, and then chattering to who knows who on the other end. He was having quite a conversation!

Big Announcement

Clark and Danielle have announced their engagement! Clark finally purchased the ring and popped the question. We don't know the date or any details, but we are glad to welcome Danielle into our family. May God bless their future together.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Big Year Ahead!

2008 will be a big year for our family. First, Bret and Amber will bless us with another grandchild in May, and it's a girl! Next, Kara and John are expecting a new assignment, which will be closer to us than Anchorage. So, we'll get to enjoy our little Rayna more often. She is so beautiful, and we can't wait to hold her again. Clark will be going into the home stretch of college, with a projected graduation date from OU of May 2009. It is likely that Clark will be moving back to Altus at that time, and maybe Danielle will be moving with him.
Also, 2008 is the first year that HHP will be in our new building. The building is just gorgeous, and I am grateful to God and to JCMH for building us such a great workplace.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Samuel and the cat

On New Year's day, Samuel wanted to spend his time looking out the window at the big dog. He loves to watch our lab Shadow. Clark's cat Cicero is every bit as enthralled with the big dog as Samuel is. They both crowded up on a chair to keep an eye on the dog. Cicero loves Samuel and does not run away even when Samuel pulls his tail. By the way, the cat does not run away from the dog either.