Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Country Fun

After the wedding, we spent some time at Kent's mother's place. We spent time in the sunshine with Kara and Rayna. Rayna loves the outdoors. She is quite a talker, too, but at 18 months, most of what she says is just one syllable. When we went for a walk, she pointed out the cow chips, and told us where to walk, and what to avoid. She pointed out the mess and said, "Poop. Yuck, Goss (gross)"

Family Wedding

We all met in Belton last week to celebrate the wedding of Tyson and Amy. They make a beautiful couple. We had so much fun visiting with my sister, my niece, and their families. Everything was great--except the traffic on I-35! Here are some pictures from the wedding, the reception, and hanging out in the hotel.